
Thanks for popping by, & Welcome onboard

I'm Deepak Mehra.

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I'm an aspiring Computer Science Engineer,a Deep Learning Practitioner and a Web enthusiast.I also love singing and after work you can find me vibing
with my Ukulele.


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Infinite Red, Inc.

Content Creator and Alpha Tester

Oct 2019 - Dec 2019

Worked with the CIO of Infinite Red Inc. in building the course material for Infinite Red Academy. My task was to verify the course material and mathematical formulation for the machine learning algorithms used in the course.

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Machine Learning Intern

May 2019 - Jul 2019

Worked in Intent Classification of types and subtypes of emails, build a machine learning pipeline for the business problem, and worked out on the dataset with over 50K emails by testing various machine learning algorithms.


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Deep Learning

I have been into Deep Learning for over a year now, to be specific I have a special love for Computer Vision and GAN based models. The idea of"What if the machine could think" has always inspired me and i find Deep Learning much convincing in that direction.

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Web Designing & Development

I'm a Budding Web Designer and Developer, in fact, I'm building this site on my 4th Day of learning WEBD, for me Web Development is not a technology, rather an expression that will help me unleash my casual creativity and reach out to the world with the voice in my head.

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Machine Learning

Machine Learning was the first tech, that I managed to learn (somehow) during my college, being able to extract relevant information from data has always triggered my curiosity, building a machine learning pipeline and producing astonishing results still overwhelm me and never fail to leave me unexcited.

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Data Structures

I'm fluent with different Data Structures like Arrays, Linked List, Trees, HashMaps, Stack and Queues and have played around various techniques like Recursion, Memoization, Backtracking to name a few to solve more than 500 questions quantatively discovering 20+ patterns qualitatively.

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Maths and Statistics

I discovered maths as an asset which contributed the most in my evolution as an engineer as well as a life long learner, with strong foundational knowledge of mathematics i was able to decode the algorithms of machine learning and during this journey I felt afresh in love with statistics.

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Playing Ukulele

If you are not interested in tech and still visiting this site, then first I thank you for bearing with me so far and worry not because I can jam well with my ukulele and all you have to do is, accompany me.

My Tech Stack.

Version Control

Get In Touch

if(Need any sort of help || Love tech unconditionally || Liked my work || Want to just say "Hello")

I love communicating and exchanging ideas with people. Being able to interact seamlessly, and empathize with them is just another superpower I'm endowed with.
Well that's all about me, you got your story to share hit that button, you got my ears.